Tuesday 8 March 2016

WWW and EBI feedback from scene analysis

WWW: A clear overview of all of the shots in this scene. Well done!
EBI: What do you think the costuming and make up say about the women in these scenes?

WWW: a thorough investigation of the representation of women.
EBI: what patterns have you noticed regarding the camera angles in the construction of the representation of women?

WWW: excellent inclusion of theory and comparison of the film to your print media
EBI: please start to pull out the comparisons of the representation of women with Dr Foster too

WWW: a thorough understanding of this scene with lots of description of the content
EBI: Can you include a summary paragraph about how this does or doesn't show collective identity?

WWW: you have covered the individual incidents indepth
EBI: How does the role of matriarch compare with Dr Foster here?

WWW: excellent overview of Barbara's character here
EBI: Can you start to compare this to the violence displayed in Dr Foster?

WWW: a very good observation about the replacement of male roles with females
EBI: compare this to Dr Foster. Does a strong female always have to be paired with a weak male?

WWW: your understanding of the use of male and female stereotype
EBI: How does Ivy's representation compare with the issues discussed in Dr Foster?

WWW: very good analysis of Karen and Violet. These two are used in juxtaposition to each other
EBI: What links does this have to the representations in Dr Foster?

WWW: you are starting to look at the niche groups within the roles of women.
EBI: how is the overweight woman depicted? Is she seen as inferior? How about the ethinic groups? and Mentally ill women? Are they on the margins?

WWW: your analysis and comparison of your two media texts
EBI: Extend your analysis of Dr Foster characters here. What about Carly and Kate?

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