Tuesday 26 April 2016

Peer marking

After reading the article 'It's all in the mind' consider what the writer has done well. Perhaps use the mark scheme to help you.

  • the writer focuses on how the group are represented in different mediums e.g. reality TV and TV drama
  • the writer uses a wide range of examples trying to find common representation types within them e.g. short list in introduction
  • clear understanding here that there is no such thing as collective identity 'many and various'
  • the writer clearly understands the genre of the texts and the generic expectations we have of these fictional characters e.g. a staple of the crime genre
  • the writer uses small sections of description from their texts to exemplify their point e.g. 'wedding speech'
  • the writer investigates the representation e.g. uses phrases such as on the other hand
  • the writer uses another text to compare/further your ideas e.g. takes things further
  • the writer does describe, but turns the description into analysis. They continually use PEE structure
  • the writer recognises the audience in their argument. They know the demographic of their texts BARB
  • continual comparison of the texts and similarities/patterns shown where possible
  • the writer understands the use of stereotypes to create familiarity, but also explores where it is challenged
  • the writer recognises our need for these types of representation. e.g. stock characters, entertainment, but also investigates the need to distort them

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